Monday, August 26, 2013

The searching and finding of Tattered Gossamer

Hello lovelies~ You may or may not have noticed that I have been  completely off the grid for a bit. Tattered Gossamer has been put 
on a momentary creative and alchemical simmer.
I was lucky enough to spend almost 5 months wandering, searching and finding through some very fascinating parts of Asia. It was an epic journey that allowed me to trip through life-changing sights and sounds, and traverse many eloquent and ephemeral moments. I was able to disappear into fantastical places and cross paths with intriguing people: wander through breathtaking landscapes, intense cityscapes and dream under beautiful skies. I found.. lost...found again and then untangled some necessary pieces of the mosaic. I also spent some incredibly brilliant times underwater diving~ while being deeply and profoundly inspired by elusive sea creatures and the textures and colors of the deep.

Now the nomadic journey continues a bit closer to home. I have hit stateside and will be back in NYC by the fall, but then the search continues for the next incarnation and new home of the Tattered Gossamer atelier and workspace. I will continue to be part of some ongoing projects as the evolution unfolds. But today I find myself...focused primarily on forging a connection between new found imprints and untrod pathways coalescing in my work with the tangible and intangible world that Tattered Gossamer currently inhabits. 
Stay tuned for the transitions...

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